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Künstlerische Leitung: Thomas Neuhaus, Henrietta Horn

These improvisation sessions conclude a serie of meetings between dance and music departments, guided by professors Henrietta Horn and Thomas Neuhaus, with the intent of building an environment which could allow an interdisciplinary approach. The students discovered the possibility to shift different concepts from one form of art to another one and learnt how to establish different kinds of conversations between music and dance. They practiced improvisation, exploring and understanding how to deal both with the togetherness and the individual intents.


5./ 6. / 7. Januar 2023 | 19:30 Uhr Campus Essen-Werden | Neuer Saal im Westflügel 

Improvisationen mit Studierenden der Folkwang Universität der Künste und Gästen 

Tanz: SuBin Cho, Clara Grémont, Ko-Yun Liao, Lin Mo, Esther Murdock, Brunella Sabatino
Musik: Lucίa Molina Álvarez, Tim von Malotki, Philipp Neumann, Jana Simić, Kai Strathmann, Gellért Zsédely 

Künstlerische Leitung: Henrietta Horn, Thomas Neuhaus und Matthias Geuting